The True African Stories: 7 Forbidden Tales The Powers That Be Don’t Want You To Know About Africa

The True African Stories: 7 Forbidden Tales The Powers That Be Don't Want You To Know About Africa

African folklore has a rich history of storytelling that has been passed down from generation to generation. However, not all stories have been told, and some have been deliberately hidden by those in power. These tales, which have been deemed too controversial or subversive for public consumption, offer a glimpse into a world that has been deliberately concealed from the masses.


In this post, we will explore 7 forbidden African tales that reveal the untold stories of the continent’s rich cultural heritage. From the story of the magical cow who provides food and shelter for a young boy to the tale of the brave hunter who outwits a deceitful king, these stories offer a unique perspective on African culture, history, and beliefs. So, sit back, relax, and prepare to be transported to a world of mystery, magic, and adventure as we unveil the untold stories that the powers that be have concealed.


The history of storytelling in Africa is rich, diverse, and deeply ingrained in the continent’s cultural fabric. For centuries, African communities have relied on storytelling as a means of passing down traditions, preserving history, and sharing knowledge. These stories are not just mere entertainment; they hold immense significance and carry the collective wisdom of generations.


In many African cultures, storytelling is considered a sacred and communal practice. It is often performed by griots, revered oral historians and poets, who carry the responsibility of preserving the cultural heritage of their people. They use the power of words, rhythm, and music to captivate audiences and transport them to a world where myths, legends, and folktales come to life.


However, it is important to acknowledge that the history of African storytelling has not been without its challenges. During the era of colonization and the transatlantic slave trade, many traditional African stories were suppressed, erased, or distorted by the powers that be. These stories held valuable insights into the resilience, strength, and wisdom of African communities, which threatened the narrative of superiority perpetuated by the colonizers.


But despite these attempts to silence African voices, storytelling has persisted as a powerful tool of resistance. Oral traditions have been passed down from generation to generation, ensuring that the essence of these untold stories remains alive. In recent times, there has been a resurgence of interest in African storytelling, as people recognize the need to reclaim and celebrate their cultural heritage.


In this blog series, we aim to unveil the forbidden African tales that have been concealed for far too long. We will delve into the depths of African folklore, exploring the hidden narratives, secret histories, and suppressed knowledge that have shaped the continent’s collective consciousness. Join us on this journey as we unveil the untold stories and shed light on the power of African storytelling.




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