September 8, 2024
Image of ANITS Moodle Login Form

ANITS Moodle is an online learning system adopted by Anil Neerukonda Institute of Technology & Sciences that students can use to present course material for any units that their teachers are teaching. Students can also complete and submit coursework in Moodle portal and monitor their progress using online tests and quizzes.

ANITS Moodle and Online Resources

Students can access all of their courses online through ANITS virtual learning environment, Moodle. The Moodle can be reached by logging in through

1. Visit the Moodle Login page by going to ANITS website.

2. Click ‘Agree and sign on to Moodle’.

3. Fill in your User and press ‘Next’

4. Enter your Password and click Sign in or Click Enter. The Dashboard displays, containing a list of links to all your Moodle courses.

To Sign out of Moodle, click on your name at the top right of the page, and click Sign out.

Access All ANITS Moodle course

Once you’re logged in on the ANITS Moodle, the dashboard opens. You’ll see a list of Moodle courses is visible in the My courses block (top right) and in the Navigation tab. To open the Moodle course page, select a Moodle course from the list. here is how to view your courses

1. Sign in to Moodle.

2. Courses that you have access to will appear on your dashboard.

3. Tap on the name of the course. The course home page displays.

If you have a problem accessing your ANITS course, go to the Moodle dashboard to learn more about customizing your dashboard, or click on “Site Home” at the top of the navigation block to search for your course.

How to Login ANITS Student Portal

Log in to ANITS with your username and password. Click on the Student link on the homepage. The first time that you log in, you are required to sign up for the service. On all subsequent logins, after entering your username and password you will see your account straight away.

The Student Portal provides easy access to your customizable and personal online services such as email, file storage, library services, the web-based learning environment, personal development planning, wellbeing, and support.

  1. Login to the Portal @ using your university EMAIL ADDRESS and network password
  2. Click Login.
  3. Once logged in you can access:
  • The navigation panel provides options to view Home and Student dashboards. The newsroom tab detailing the latest Institution News is also available.
  • Toolbar showing access to any Bookmarks, minimize navigation bar button, and a Search field.
  • Main Portal area detailing the tiles available for applications and content.
  • Toolbar showing access to Personalisation of the dashboard (including Reset
  • Layout), personal preferences including Switch to Mobile and Alert Subscriptions.
  • The dashboard showed to the staff so that they can also view the student links. The Students Dashboard details the layout of the applications and content available to Students.
  • You may be prompted to log in to some of the resources linked within the new portal. If this is the case, ensure you use your BCODE and network password.


ANITS publishes all assessment results electronically via the Exam result portal unless the school or department has advised of other arrangements. And as long as the exam results have been published, the school must respond to your request for your information to access your results online Results

If you would like to access your results, and you are a current student, you can do this via the results portal. Simply select the required academic year from the down menu below the box where you enter your Student ID number.

Note: If you fail ANITS exam and a repeat exam or fail to show up for a repeat exam, you will not be eligible to progress in your ANITS programme (or graduate if in the final year). You will need to take those incomplete module exams again in the following academic year.

So, if you have not progressed to the next year of study you will be required to re-take all courses in which you have obtained less than the pass mark.

If your Exam result has not been uploaded online, contact your school to confirm when your results will be available via the portal.